Fire Flow and Hydrant Info

If it is necessary for a builder to provide the available fire flow information to the local planning or fire protection agencies, or in order to design a sprinkler system, a request for information from the District may be made by contacting the District’s General Manager ( The District keeps a record of annual flow tests conducted on each fire hydrant in the District, and a copy of the most recent flow test on a fire hydrant will be provided upon request. A charge may be assessed for the request for test records of multiple hydrants.

District staff will conduct a test on a fire hydrant by request. A fee of $50.00 is required for each fire hydrant flow test requested. The District will schedule flow test(s) at its convenience, and will ensure that the system is not operated in a manner that will endanger the water system or negatively impact its customers service for an extended period of time. Should the flow test take more than one hour, an additional $50.00 fee will be charged for each hour or partial hour needed.

Fire Hydrant Installation Request

Most fire hydrants within the District are installed by developers, as part of new subdivision construction. Occasionally, individuals will want to have a hydrant installed at a specific location. An individual who wants to have a fire hydrant installed at a specific location should first check with the District Operations Manager to determine if the water main in the area is of sufficient size to accommodate a hydrant. Once it has been determined that the line size and flow availability is sufficient, an applicant must submit a Fire Hydrant Installation Review Request form and associated fees. All costs involved with fire hydrant installation(s) are the responsibility of the Applicant. The District will either install the fire hydrant with its crews or hire a contractor to complete the project.