Water Rates
Water rates are adjusted annually, and generally reflect an increase based on the Denver-Boulder Consumer Price Index (CPI). Over the last several years, we have been able to limit our expenses to approximately the same level. Water rates paid by our customers are designed to cover the costs of operations, debt payments as well as a reserve to repair or upgrade our existing water mains. The rates are approved by our Board.
Water Basic Fee and Water Usage Charge
~ Water Basic Fee ~
This fee is determined by the cost of meter reading, billing, a portion of administrative costs and equipment, customer service, routine water main maintenance and reservation of service capacity for the water tap. It includes no usage, but simply reflects the cost of maintaining service to a water tap, and is billed monthly whether you have water usage or not. Billing starts either upon installation of the water tap, or 90 days from the date the water tap is purchased – whichever occurs first.
~ Water Usage Charge ~
This charge is calculated on the amount of water used each month by applying the rate structure to each customer’s individual use. It pays for our state licensed personnel to treat and test your water, processing and laboratory supplies and other costs related to meeting state and federal water quality standards, the costs of water processing from Little Thompson Water District, and for our state licensed personnel to repair, replace and maintain the pipeline distribution system and appurtenances. Other costs paid from this charge are for general administration, accounting, engineering and all other operating expenses not paid by the Water Basic Fee. Additionally, it pays for any annual debt payments as well as a reserve to repair or upgrade our existing water mains and treatment infrastructure.