FAQs – Utility Billing


How do you determine water rates and what do they pay for?

See our Water Rates information.

What is the difference between the Water Basic Fee and the Water Usage Charge?

See our Water Rates information.

What should I do if I am buying a property that already has Longs Peak Water District water service?

You will need to submit a Water Service Application/Domestic Water Agreement .

If I am interested in getting a NEW Longs Peak Water District water tap, what should I do?

All new customers must start their process for NEW water service by completing a Tap Request application.

What should I do if I am selling my property?

Transfer of property is normally handled by the Title Company completing the sale, and you do not need to call us to cancel your service. The Title Company will contact us to request an Escrow amount on your account. They will give us the closing date on your property and who the buyer will be. Your final bill will be paid by the Title Company with the escrowed funds held by them at the closing. If they withheld more than you owe, they will refund you the difference.

What do I need to do if I own property within the District and rent it?

See our Information for Landlords regarding change in tenant requirements, water bill responsibilities, shutoff notices, etc.